Brian Works

'Work is much more fun than fun.' - Noël Coward
I ♥ UX

Black Cat Ops

Black Cat Ops

Black Cat Ops web site screen shot

In Black Cat Ops you play as a mama cat trying to rescue her kittens from ghosts, haunted jack-o'-lanterns, and more. The game plays like a shooting gallery, but cats don’t shoot, they scratch.

Black Cat Ops - Title Screen

Black Cat Ops - Story and Instructions

Black Cat Ops - Game Screen

I developed the original 2004 version of Black Cat Ops in Macromedia Flash MX 2004 using ActionScript 2.0. Years later I prototyped more advanced Flash and Android versions of the game, learning some good lessons about performance and touch interfaces.

Here are some screen shots of the game difficulty UI in an unreleased prototype:

Black Cat Ops Prototype - Difficulty #1

Black Cat Ops Prototype - Difficulty #2

Black Cat Ops Prototype - Difficulty #3

Black Cat Ops Prototype - Difficulty #4


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