URL Redacted
Company Name Redacted is a printing company in Location Redacted. I was the primary developer of its new Web site, implementing visual designs and functionality requests and combining provided HTML, Flash content, and images with original PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (including AJAX)—first as a regular employee of WebEnertia then later as an independent contractor to WebEnertia. Customers can use the new site to do such things as check shipping rates, place and pay for orders, add and manage contact records, upload files, and view their order histories.
The project manager and visual designer was Steve Ohanians, WebEnertia's Creative Director and a partner in the company. The private administration system (not accessible via any public URL) developer was Valod Amirkhanian, WebEnertia's Programming Director and the other partner in the company. Additional Web production was performed by Naro Vartanian.